In lieu of a standalone website for the LA PBA (coming soon), here is some information and resources related to getting involved in the world of prescribed fire.


The Los Angeles Prescribed Burn Association is in the early stages of formation. Modeled after Prescribed Burn Associations around the country, the goal of the LAPBA is to be a resource for getting prescribed fire on the ground in Los Angeles County and surrounding areas, and to build local capacity and community for conducting prescribed burns. Read about PBAs here, and connect with other PBAs in California here.

Please email to sign up for the mailing list and be notified of future trainings, events, and meetings. Email losangelespba (at) gmail (dot) com for any questions you might have. You can also find us on Instagram @losangelespba.

Training Opportunities:

LA PBA and Cal Poly Swanton Pacific Ranch will be offering Basic Firelighter Training in LA County from February 18-22, 2025. Applications closed on January 6, 2025.

Find out about upcoming training exchanges (TREXs) here.

Tribal EcoRestoration Alliance (TERA) has trainings available. More info here and application is here

Most other Prescribed Burn Associations (PBAs) in California are listed here - email any you're interested in to get on their mailing lists to be notified of trainings and burns coming up!

Swanton Pacific Ranch has great webinars and trainings available here, and a mailing list to be notified of new ones here.

Healthy Forest Alliance has a calendar of trainings by HFA and partner organizations here.

Not all trainings or burns require certifications or experience, but a great way to access more (and learn a lot) is to do the online coursework for Firefighter Type 2 (FFT2) certification. SLO TREX has info on that here

Educational Material:

Tending the Wild by M. Kat Anderson
Forgotten Fires by Omer Stewart
Prescribed Burning by Harold Biswell

Good Fire with Amy Cardinal Christianson and Matthew Kristoff
Life with Fire by Amanda Monthei 
(Both can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, online, etc.)

Tending the Wild (PBS series) 
MAATHAAW: The Fire Within Us
The Fire Poppy
Giving Fire Back To The Forests 
Pepperwood: Rising from the Ashes